
This page displays social media posts from CurlON, the Ontario Curling Council, Junior Curling Tour of Ontario, and the Junior Slam Series. In addition, one can view their specific websites or social media pages online. Here are some links:

Rules and Strategy


  • A package of drills from Curling Canada, sub-divided by the athletes’ LTCD stage.
  • A comprehensive package of drills created by Sean Turriff, high-performance Director of the Ontario Curling Council and available on the CurlCoach website.
  • Drills to Die For, a set of curling drills compiled by Bill Tschirhart and included in his book, A Pane in the Glass.
  • The Gauntlet Drill, an article that describes the setup and usage of this well-known drill for diagnosing delivery issues.
  • Blocked, Distributed and Random Practice as it Relates to Skill Acquisition in Curling, an article by long-time coach Gary Crossley, devoted to coaches for the development of practice plans for their athletes.
  • Using lasers in curling, an article that describes the use of lasers in delivery training and the safety in their use.


Since early 2014 I have been working with Dr. John Newhook, a long-time curling coach, Professional Engineer, and the Dean of Engineering at Dalhousie University, on studying brushing from a variety of perspectives: brushing’s impact on the trajectory of a curling stone; proper technique to optimize force, ice coverage, and impact on the stone; the technology of instrumented curling brooms; and improving the coaching of brushing within the sport.

Together, John and I have measured approximately 750 athletes over the past ten years, many of them multiple times. While many of the teams we have worked with are junior teams, we have also worked with both men’s and women’s teams who have competed at provincial, national, and international championships.



A Pane in the Glass

We are pleased to offer several of Bill’s essays on coaching the sport of curling, essays which Bill compiled into his book, A Pane in the Glass, which is available in print from Curling Canada.

Topics include Bill’s famous “Drills to Die For” along with articles on delivery fundamentals, pre-shot routines, ocular dominance, team dynamics, and a wealth of others. 


We offer a selection of podcasts that reflect our interests in coaching and specifically in the sport of curling. 

All of the podcasts listed can be listened to on our site, or the reader can subscribe to the podcasts directly using their favourite platform, include Apple’s iTunes. 

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